Read this sereis by Charline Harris twice already this summer, there 8 total so far DYING for the 9th book. And if you don't know what these books are about, you must live in a cave. This is how vampires should be... they don't sparkle.
Umm another brain twisting read from Chuck Palahniuk...A never named country (i think China) send undercover agents to live as exchange students in our country to make it easier to kill us.. one of the wierder ones i've read by chuck...
Really awesome story based in a porn movie set... from the view of three people one related to the star of the film, defiantly worth the read! I mostly have all the books he's written he's a genius..
Im currently reading this book, it's life after the zombie apocalypse (i'm kind of obsessed with zombies) the book is based on two views , Zoey a girl born at the beginning of the zombie overtake who's never known life with out zombies or what it was like to be "normal"
the other view is from Wade who is a zombie... It's so far really good