Woooohoooo do I Got some fancy art work today! Please enjoy.
Nothing says "I hate Nazis" more than a fire pissing dick made swastika with a pretty belly button flower in the middle! You really showed them!
Oh dear lord. Where oh where do i begin? The hair, the eye(s), those lips andthe GIGANTIC nipples or the sexy sexy rolls on the tummy. They truly summed up this lady in one word, but unfortunately it was the wrong word...
This is a zombie sailor girl, I know I thought it was Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas dressed up sexy for Jack as well, Those nipples are really good. I know my nipples look like opposite facing triangles too...
I think it's really great that they chose to add the stretch marks.
Maybe he should have stuck with the before tattoo, I guess he didn't know the damage a blow pen in the hands of an 8 year old could do to his skin.
luv Jess