Thursday, April 30, 2009

A real body to be jealous of...

OMG she's soooo hot 
you can take the girl out of the trailer park but not the whore out of the girl....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

oh yeah...this is my new bike 'Bella' i just got it today and i can not wait to get on the road. all i need is a basket and ill be ridin fly :D

<3 Dani

daisy de la hoya

DDLH Pictures, Images and Photos

i mostly hate her not only for her sleeve but i hate that she has an amazing torso!!

<3 Dani

ps. i dont envy her brains however seeing as how she has none..
*****Hi its Jess i just gotta add my smart ass comment for Dani on her comments on the "amazing" torso of the waste of flesh Daisy...uuggghhhmmm if you got up with me on your days off and went to the gym with me you would have no reason to be jeleous . <3 Jess luv u :)

I gotta vent!!

                                           I LOVE MY ANIMALS!!!!!!

OK so i really have to vent about my DUMBASS neighbors and the care of the 2 wonderful puppies!
I have 2 super great beautiful wonderful huskies Nixon (black and white) and Mervin (all white) and my super soft cat Murphy (he has laser eyes,) ok so anyways our animals are treated wonderful! They sleep on the couches, they eat all natural food, thye get snacks and walks and just tons of love in general!                 So these neighbors of mine have a black lab puppy and an Australian shepherd dog that are both puppies and both adorable! Well they leave these puppies out side all day long through rain, hail and extreme heat (it can get well above 100 here in the summer!) also they don't mow there grass like a bunch of lazy fucks... It just pisses me off beyond belief I just can't understand why or how people could do this to cute little babies... 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daisy of Love

Ok so how lame is Daisy of Love? Ya i watched it and ya i'll watch the whole season cause i'm a reality show whore, but really is she really looking for love? And if she is, how in fuck is she gona find it umong that group of idiots? My husband and i concur (fancy for agree) that Ricky Ratchman wants to bang her, if he hasn't already, he's got a crazy crush on that plastic ill keep you all who read this if anyone up to date on all the "wild and crazy" time from this season!
Ok ok so far the swedish triplets who were totally 80's RAD FABULOUS (but admitted they were only there for food and liqueur)  have been kicked off and the weirdo dude with the black beanie(back row)who looks like the gay sex baby between Joey Ramone and Bert McCracken and last but not least, the red haired asian canadian, that speaks Swahili. ? He also has a way sexy hairy mole to the right of his taint tickler...
so if you think the guys she kicked off are lame hahahaha you have no idea ok guy in the green shoes TOTAL tweeker does backflips everywhere, she named him flipper cause she's soooo smart
Uh 12 packs there from I love New York and I Love Money so he's there for money and more tv coverage
There a guy she call 6 gauge cause he's got his tally pierced its a 6 gauge ring, Daisy in all of her im a cool weird-o tattoo piercing life style knowledge thinks thats as big as her thumb... idiot. He would have to have a dick the size of my forearm or whole arm i'm not even sure,  to have a hole that big through his cock... She should research the "scene" she wants to fit into for this week .
There's a cage fighter with a  tattooed face and his neck tattoo that states "FIGHT OR DIE" i choose umm die , um the token black guy (he'll be gone soon), the douche bag guy from Brooklyn in the funny fedora (back row, also gone soon)  oh ya and the most lamest the male stripper with the pink and blue mohawk.  ooh and the butt rocker in the red shirt (back row) that got so trashed the first night that all the other guys drew on his face!!!  he's still in the game some how, maybe she has a daddy complex. There's a bunch of other lame-os but we'll get to them soon, they are just kinda chillin in the shadows for now... they'll get there douche out real  quick i'm sure. Im mean god how could they resist Daisy???? She's so classy and has a world of knowledge and silicon to offer them.
Ok ok  im running out of breath... so i'll keep some ranting until next weeks episode.... <3>

I can has LOL cats?

  Most of the time... ok All of the time we need a lol cat they are for fun!

 There are many more lol cats on ..... they always make me laugh, shit i even paid a dollar (cause im a baller) to get the app on my iphone for instant lol satisfaction. Yes im a geek    <3 Jess

Friday, April 24, 2009

oh yeah my husband has a blog too!

visit for even more controversial subjects and nonsense.

youll find things like this silly snickers commercial:

and also this lady falling off her table in the middle of a performance:

so why dont you give the pretty pretty and the jump jumps a try today!

what the fuck are these?

look at the loose skin!! EEEWW
its the princess from never ending story! i always wondered where she ended up.

she must have stuffed her cat in there that morning.

most singers know not to put their lips on the microphone

motivational poster Pictures, Images and Photos


say hello to my twin!

yeah i think we got seperated at birth somehow.

sooo this is mostly my dream...

i looooove dandelions!!!

robert pattinson is a faggot!

what has this guy done as far as his career? harry potter was awesome but this twilight crap is bull shit! dont get me wrong it wasnt that bad of a movie but they could have gotten someone a lot more talented than this british coke head mother fucker. He looks like he just crawled out of a dumpster.....yeah i want AIDS! you little girls are stupid for thinking this piece of shit is "hot"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Awsome new Tokidoki shoes!!!

So these are so amazing! I love Tokidoki and if you don't know about this brand then your dumb, check out the other amazing products at  So unfortunately and obviously I RELLY want these shoes but there $115 which is a bit out of my unemployed asses price range.. so if your a generous soul and love me as much as i love me then i wear a 7 1/2! you can contact me via blog for shipping details ; )  <3 Jess

Unicorns are fun especially when they dance near angry rainbows!!

Kitty cats with spikies are way funner


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Juliette Lewis

Juliette Lewis is so amazing even her vagina can sing!!! neat trick!

The album cover......

Nice pants and feathers.... its rad that shes not stuck up like everyone else in Hollywood most of those people are a waste of life...


  thats a crazy face

    ARRRR those aaarrr nice panties....

the new album cover for Its Blitz

So as you can see im very aroused about the release of the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album, Karen O is mostly the raddest lady around (tied with Juliette Lewis) So from what i have heard of the new album its back to the kinda of Fever To Tell sound which i think is much better than the Show Your Bones album... So go get the cd or go to iTunes get the songs! And go to the web page see fun pics and videos and buy t-shirts and other fun internet things...
luv Jess
ps dani doesn't like them for some reason....weird-o

Monday, April 20, 2009

So my husband also has a blog its his blog is mostly about motorbikes, snowboarding, fixy bikes and all around fun having so we are offical followers and you should be too!!!  I <3>PS Danis husband has a blog too.. but im not sure of the name sooo she will be updating that...oooogggfffff

High School Musical Giant Bush Attack

Soooo um i know this pic is Super old but me and Dani were laughing about it and i wanted to post it for fun....
by the way where the fuck is this photo taken? that is the shittiest looking room i have seen for a "teen star" to be in, really odd.Its like she could be at her grandma's while the grandma's on vacation and she got crazy with the x-mas lights? awkward just like the bush... and her lazy eye boobs....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

vampire ballet..........

i thought this was really i know but really cool. can you hear nirvana in the background??

Animal Crossing Bitches!!

yeah...i made her face.
i know they love me deep down :]
aurora borealis

jess's and i's characters :]

holy fuck i love these photos! these were some of the first pictures we took when we first got the game! hella fun :D

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama momma pics

So my mom found these pictures on the internet of Obamas momma, apparently she took the on Christmas, what a treat. I especially love her tan lines...
BEST BLOG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Dani's being the slutty one...

im the crazy with the champagne

Brittney is such a skanky ass ho!!!!!

here we are at halloween!!!

Danis the bitchy red head and im (Jess) the slutty blonde

be prepared...

we're like the boss!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


so we're Dani and Jess. We're mostly cunts so welcome once more to the cunt spot. We hope you enjoy our horrible humor as ridiculousness will be added daily you can be sure of that! Ummmmm...Yeah! 

Dani's likes: 
i love AC (animal crossing city folks)
i love sweet wine from foriegn countries
i love japanese stuff (anything)
Jess is mostly my BFFF so yeah you cant have her!
Oh and i love my family :]

Jess's likes:
i love AC (you should already know what AC stands for by now)
i love red wine
i love my siberian huskies
i mostly love Dani too..shes my PIC nigga!
oh and i love my family too...DUH!

dont worry about the'll know about those as we get this thing started ;]