Ahh a new week for a man to dump Daisy, The day starts with Cage, Sinister, Fox and a napping Chi chi in the top bunk, there all pissed about how daisy got soooo upset about London leaving and how they feel that there not as important as London was to her... Cage gets loud Chi chi says in his douche scared boy voice "hey keep it down " several times and then cage begins to bang the bunk bed against the wall and Chi chi asks Cage for his bandana back... cause he's gay...whilest all this is happening cool truck driver guy Big Rig (hhhooonk hhhooonk) decides to bring Daisy breakfast in bed umm coffee and fig newtons (don't get it fucked up fig newtons are delish... but as a fucking breakfast food?) so Dasiys comment on Big Rig bringing he b-fast (this is what i have been fucking hinting at all along ) "Finaly someone besides Ricky cares about me" I guess he's the only one putting his dick in though.
So SUPER RAD CHALLENGE TIME>>>>>>>> ok Daisy is having them create her album cover for her single (that no one will buy) 2 teams.. team 1 Chi chi, Big Rig, 12 Pack and Cage. Douche bag team 2, Flex, Sinister, Fox and Six pack...They have to decide on hair, clothes location, and make up and have a person shoot pics.. so team one does a so called "Marylyn Monroe" look but i guess there dumb cause she totally looked like a flapper,, and her and 12 Pack were making out the whole time EEEWWWW, Big Rig having sharecd the romantic b-fast gets upset and walks out on the challenge... Team 2 does a "punk rock" shoot i guess Fox is a hair dresser and tells the pro dresser to get the fuck out and does her hair and make up GAY, Flex is the model for the shoot but Fox decides to jump in and be in it too.. GAY
After all the bull shit team 2 wins, Fox gets a solo date acts stupid and can't talk and Cage get DRUNK and start fighting with everyone, But he's a fighter, you cant hold him down,,
Then the funniest thing that will ever happen on this show happens a skunk gets in the house.. ahh i can't find video of it cause VH1 is a monster but theres alot of skunk spraying and naked underwear gayness and 12 Pack pouring salsa all over himself Oh god when i find it ill post it.. N E WAYS move onto just before elimination's and Cage says
"Later bitch im angry" Daisy cries, for the first time(?) perhapse Ricky is confused and no one else leaves I leave you with a picture of the champ Cage

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