"What's the point of a boy toy if you can't toy with them?" Daisy 5-17-09
Words of wisdom

So yet another man decided to leave Daisy of Love on his own accord, only after winning the challenge which was way so amazing (not), it must have come directly from Daisys amazing brain! OK they were giving 3 team captains who got to choose there band (whoa rockers cool). OK teams went a so,,, Sinister, 12 pack and fox... 6 gauge, flex and big rig, finale team London, cage and Chi chi. Chi chi not being picked by sinister greatly hurt his manginas feelings... so any ways they had to make nursery rhymes into rock songs OMFG Daisy is soooo was smart and inventive long shitty story of songs short London's team wins, they get to go on a way cool amazing date with Daisy to the Gibson guitar factory place thingy... and gives them all a free guitar then London begins to cry and say that he had to sell his guitar for drugs or moose or some thing and she feels so much better about herself that she drops this pearl of wisdom " A musician with out a guitar is like a blonde with out her bleach"
Wow so on the date London opens up to her she ignores him, Chi chi sits like a dumb ass then Cage gets alone time talks about his mom passing whilst on a joy ride in her car? So she forgets all that London says and he get ass hurt in the limo, then at they house all the guys and her play truth or dare. She asks London the same question that he already talked to her about and he gets sad walks away. daisy chases they make out and then she says "im gona offer you a chain you can decide or not to take it" BLAH BLAH BLAH Ricky of corse says he wants her to send London home... i guess she called out London when they were fucking the previous night... all in all London denies the chain Daisy runs away crying
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